5 Reasons to Start a Restaurant

Starting or buying your own restaurant is a HUGE undertaking. It also becomes more of a lifestyle than a job, at least for the first few years. If you ever stop and ask someone, who owns a restaurant, should I start a restaurant? More times than not, they will present you with a laundry list of reasons why you shouldn’t. BUT there are reasons to start and create your own restaurant. You just need to make sure that these five reasons apply to you and your future.

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Freedom to create something the way you envision it, the concept, the design and the team that you will need to build your work of art.  Granted with Freedom always comes Responsibility.  Lots and lots of responsibility.  Just remember you won’t be great at every aspect of your business, so you now have the freedom to ask for help and to find the help that understands your vision.


 You Better be passionate about your restaurant because it is a lot of physical, emotional and mental work.  So when nothing seems to be going right and you just want to quit, you will need that passion to fall back on to help you push thru.  Whether it is the passion of creating and presenting great food or maybe the passion to bring some joy to your customers day.  You will be able to channel that passion to create something you love.


Being able to gift someone with a great experience even if they are paying for it is a reward unto itself.  You will be amazed at how many people just need someone to smile at them and treat them with respect.  Some of your most loyal customers will be the same people who seemed like their only goal was to make you cry.  Your perseverance and positive attitude (Remember you are passionate about this!) will be contagious to them.  And next thing you know more often than not your guests will be telling you how amazing you and your team are.  Suddenly it will all seem worth it.


No you will not get rich quick, in fact you will probably be broke the first three years.  Apx 30% of restaurants fail within the first year and 60% within 5. BUT if you are willing to be patient and take that time to learn and put in the necessary elbow grease, chances are that not only will you have something to be proud of sooner than you think but you will be able to afford the very much needed vacation time.


Of course the food.  Everybody loves food.  The smells, the tastes and the textures.  Your kitchen will be your science lab, where you or your chef can create and experience the recipes that you choose to share with your guests.

All in all, just like any strong relationship, if you have the passion and commitment, a restaurant is the perfect place to combine your creativity with your organizational skills. You will appreciate the experience of all the lives you may have touched with simply a good meal and a caring smile!

Until Next Time,