Dogs On a Walk

Home Remedies for Tick Prevention

Sometimes you would like to prevent ticks naturally.  Listed below are some items that you may have in your home to help you prevent ticks.  Remember to test small patches on your dog before proceeding.  Also don’t forget to take into account any medical conditions your pup might have.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Is there anything Apple Cider Vinegar can’t do? Mix the vinegar with a 1:1 ratio of water in a spray bottle and then spray your pup.  The vinegar will change the PH levels in the dog’s skin and this makes ticks unhappy so they will move on to their next victim.  This can also help your dog if they have some skin allergies.  You can also put some in their water bowl to drink but my Berners always look thoroughly disgusted with me, for contaminating their water.  


Another trick to try is to soak your dog’s collar in Vodka.  There isn’t any smell, so it doesn’t aggravate you or your dog.  I’m not sure why ticks don’t like the Vodka, it must be a preference thing.  Vodka does burn your skin if you have any scratches on it, so be sure to check your dog for any open sores or wounds before you put their collar back on after soaking it.

Lemon Juice

Good ole lemon juice.  Mix ½ cup of lemon juice with 2 cups of water, add your dog’s shampoo and then bath time for your pup.  Lemon juice also changes your dog’s skin PH.


Apparently, ticks are related to vampires.  Makes sense.  For a 100lb Bernese Mountain dog Add two cloves per day to their food.  If your Berner weighs more than that do not go above the two cloves per day.  You should start with a ¼ clove per day to make sure they don’t get an upset stomach or have any other reactions to the garlic.  If your dog has Diabetes or any type of Anemia DO NOT use without discussing with your vet.

Coconut Oil

Nowadays everyone seems to keep coconut oil on hand.  The Lauric Acid in coconut oil deters ticks from your dog.  You can either rub it on their skin, which can be a little messy, or add it to their daily diet.  For a 100lb Bernese Mountain dog it is suggested you use about 5 tsps a day.

Brewers Yeast

Ticks and other insects apparently don’t like yeast.  You can add at most 1 tsp of yeast a day to your dog’s food.  If your dog is prone to food allergies then start with even less to make sure that they do not have a skin reaction to the yeast.

So whether or not you need a quick solution to tick prevention or if you prefer to holistically treat your dog as much as possible these ideas will help you keep all the members of your family safe.

Until Next Time,


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